Ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Taman dan Hutan Kota di Kota Jambi

Marhadi Marhadi, Hadrah Hadrah


Green open space functions as a supporter and enhancer of the value of quality in the environment and culture of the city so that it can be allocated and shaped in its use in accordance with its needs and interests, Jambi City Regional Regulation No. 9 of 2013 concerning the Spatial Planning for the Jambi City Region in 2013-2033. Jambi City with an area of 205.38 km² requires minimum public green open space of 4,107.60 ha and private green open space of at least 2.05.38 ha. Based on DLH data from Jambi City. In 2017, the City of Jambi still lacked 2,220.13 ha of public green space and 774.36 ha of private green space, the research objective identifying the extent and availability of urban parks and forests based on population and water demand approach. The research method uses data analysis criteria identifying the needs of parks and urban forests, population and water consumption. Identify the number and extent of urban parks and urban forests as many as 45 city parks and 2 urban forests in Jambi City and the largest urban parks are in the youth arena park located in Kota Baru District with an area of 2,008 ha, public open space city parks and urban forests jambi has a total area of 72,922 ha. The required green space in Jambi City is 4,107.6 ha, it is obtained that the area of public green space identified is only about 1.77% of the total area of the city. The needs of urban forest area based on the water approach that requires land until 2028 covering an area of 5,614.47 ha are less fulfilled, because the total available land is 58 ha with potential land of 79.85 ha, only 94.32 ha has been developed, but it can only meet the needs of the area of urban forests based on the water approach only in 2018 of 2,495.32 ha


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Jurnal Daur Lingkungan Published by Environmental Engineering Program Study, Faculty of Engineering, Batanghari University
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